Sunbee Environmental Solutions is a private local business in Calgary that’s supporting the cause for fundraising. It was formed with the wellbeing of our families in mind. Proudly Canadian, our company specializes in producing all-natural sanitizing and surface disinfecting products. These products are safe for use by the entire family.

Unlike most products that have mushroomed during the COVID-19 pandemic, our hand sanitizers are gentle on the skin. This is because they are rich in moisturizing ingredients that leave hands feeling soft and silky smooth. Available in a variety of fragrances, these sanitizers utilize natural essential oils to impart a pleasant scent to your skin.

In these uncertain times, it may be difficult to raise funds for worthy causes. You may also be hesitant to ask your friends, family, or casual acquaintances to reach deep into their pockets for stuff they do not need. Allow us to put the FUN back into FUNdraising and get you to raise the extra cash you need with excellent, high-quality, affordable products that everyone needs to keep their loved ones safe during this pandemic.

Sunbee Environmental Solutions’ fundraising program allows community groups, sports teams, or any organization to offer our great range of products at affordable prices. All our products are made with the highest quality ingredients and registered with Health Canada for full compliance.

We look forward to working with you!

To get further details on the program and to book a campaign, contact us using the contact form below.

*To allow each group to maximize on their fundraising campaigns, we will endeavor to schedule one campaign per district at a time so get in touch early to reserve your spot!

6 + 9 =


No upfront cost to participate

No minimum orders